Making a splash
Absolutely beautiful day on an Easter weekend with not a cloud in the sky, which didn’t really bode well for landscapes at golden hour and since I was still fighting a cold and was not meant to be socialising thought I would revisit the studio and some splash photography.
Canon R5, RF24-105 f4L, 70mm, ISO800, f16, 0.6 seconds, 2 speed lights and Pluto drop valve and trigger.
Started out with some wine glass shots but then decided to move onto a coffee shot because, well, I felt like it. This kind of image is about getting a second droplet to collide with the spire formed by the first droplet landing in the liquid like the one below.
Obviously, this is all about the timing, getting a photo at the exact moment two drops collide. Luckily it is all made a bit easier with special camera triggers like the one from “Pluto” and associated electronically driven dropping valve, all run from your phone. No fast shutter speeds required (this one was done at 0.6 seconds) with the actual flash duration freezing the action. But not all easy as it still takes a heap of trial an error with well over 200 shots in this one photo session.
I won’t go into the setup in detail as it is easier to watch one of the 100s of YouTube videos on the subject, but the set I used is in the picture below. Needless to say it is very satisfying when you get an image to work.